I was in seventh grade when the first Harry Potter film came out. I can remember sitting in a dark theater with my cousin and parents. We were on the far side of theater, the second or third row back from the row where you can place your feet up on the bar- {do all theaters have this row? anyway...} My mother loved the film as much I did, whereas my cousin could care less about the wizarding world. After that I sat in study hall every day, reading as much as I could about the boy who lived. Several of my peers read it as well.
I've been a Harry Potter fan ever since. It still baffles me how someone can be as genius as J.K. Rowling. The woman is downright brilliant. She created the most wonderful, lovable world- and all while sitting in little coffee shops as a single mother. When I pick up a Harry Potter book, it's impossible to put it down. I started rereading Deathly Hallows last night and thought I'd never get to sleep.

I've been obsessed with the computer game at one point. I've owned every book and DVD the day it was released. Half the time I had to wait for mother to read the book because she's every bit a fan as I am. We switched off every other book. Sometimes she'd read it first, sometimes I would. I can remember reading Deathly Hallows for the first time as mom drove us home from Target. Of course, I couldn't wait until I was home to start reading it. I would gasp at several scenes and I'm sure my mom wanted to slap me- not really, but you get the idea- for frustration of wanting to know what was happening.

I've had several arguments with religious friends about whether or not Harry Potter was "satanic" or something or other. "It's teaching children witchcraft," some would say. My argument: How is Harry Potter any different from any other fictional story? There's witches in several Disney movie classical films. And J.K. Rowling didn't actually create real spells. Again, it's fictional. In fact, J.K. Rowling identifies herself a Christian. & anyone who has seen the movies or read the books can tell you it's a story on good versus evil, and above all promotes love and friendship. I can think of far worse things that children watch these days. Now of course, I do think younger children like my nephew should wait until they're a bit older to watch the later films because of the violence.

Last summer I was absolutely giddy when I arrived at King's Cross station in London. I was equally giddy when I purchased a British version of Half-Blood Prince {like the one featured above} at a book sale not far from the London Eye and Parliament. That same summer I went to the midnight showing of the Half-Blood Prince, and you can bet I'll be doing the same for the next two films. Who else had severe goosebumps while watching the newest trailer? Summer 2011 and I'll be saying goodbye to something that's been a part of my childhood much more than even the Toy Story films. Note: I cried while watching Toy Story 3.

But I suppose I'll never really have to say goodbye. The magical world of Harry Potter is always a page- or trip to Universal Orlando- away. ★
What are your thoughts on Harry Potter, readers? & Sorry for going overkill on the HP pictures.
O Harry Potter, I love him :)
ReplyDeletei've never ever ever gotten into harry potter, i always feel like i'm missing out! ;) i'm sure if i committed to it i could probably become a huge fan, but i kind of feel like it's too late now... maybe i'll wait until the movies are over, and then read the books and watch the films straight through!
ReplyDeleteHello I'm from Argentina, I'm here because I was visiting some blogs.. I love Harry, I'm exited waiting to watch the last movie.. See you, by the way you're so pretty.. :)
ReplyDeleteI have that snitch haha! And a time turner, but it's cheap version, not the nice expensive one :[ I started reading the books when the 3rd one came out in paperback and I've been addicted ever since. I'm super excited about the final movies, but EXTREMELY sad as well. It's the end of an era :[
ReplyDeleteUmm, so, BEST POST EVER!!!!!! I was jumping in my seat watching the trailer when it came out. How amazing does it look???????
ReplyDeleteSOOOOOO GOOOODDD!!!!!!!
I told myself I'd read other books this summer, but now I just want to re-read all the Harry Potter books. I don't care about anything else.
I pulled all-nighters to read the books.
Um, yeah.
I definitely share your absolute love and passion for Harry Potter. You're just a million times better at putting it into words than I am, haha (: All I could do was sit there and internally freak out to the extreme as I watched the trailer. I seriously was on the verge of tears. I absolutely cannot wait until November, and am going to BE at that midnight premiere so help me~!
I just, JUST wrote about this before I came on here :) just, ahhhhh. I'm almost dreading the 7th film because then that's it. That's just so completely it and I thought I'd say goodbye when the book came out, but I really hadn't. I don't think I'll ever be able to. Those books, they matter. They so, so matter.
ReplyDelete:) xx
i received my first harry potter book just when it came out the 1st time, i was 10 ^^ and nobody knew it! since then, not just me but also my dad are fans of the books and after, the movies. I love the ambience, the scenarios, the magical words, well, it makes us dream like if we were in a different world* I can say i'm a true fan. At some point, when i was like 12, i knew all the spells by heart (hmmm) now, of course, i don't know that well, but i still fly to diagon-alley, hogwarts, or every other place, everytime i open one of the books, And i felt really special when i visited oxford and the king's cross station in 2008 :)
Wingardium leviosa*
oh, and that new photo of yours is perfect! can you tell if you used any filter? :)
ReplyDeleteI am in love with the Harry Potter series and will always be. I'm the person that picked up the book the day it came out and refused to leave my room until it was finished. (That's what happened especially with the last book. I even took two days off from work for that. :D)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I really want that snitch.
I adore Harry Potter. I really really really do. I am so invested in the series, have been for coming on ten years. I just can't explain how much it means to me. The last six or seven chapters of Deathly Hallows leave me gasping for breath and, like you, I can never stop reading it. It's a whirlwind.. always over too fast. Ahhhh I love it so much. I am very concerned about what it'll be like seeing the movie, because I'll just be so emotional and all kinds of embarrassing!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing post of Harry Potter.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me want to read the books for once. :)
Actually, my mom was one of those people that believed that harry potter taught witchcraft and discouraged me to read the books when I was younger.
But I never knew that- JK Rowling is a christian. :)
This post is perfect.
ReplyDeleteI went for my 10th birthday to see The Philosophers Stone and this year I'll be going for my 19th.
I cried so much at the trailer, I couldn't help it. I think we all feel so much a part of it all, that we've grown up in Hogwarts. It's going to be so sad when it's over.
he's so much a part of my life and i will be heartbroken when i walk out of the theater after watching the last film. it's all over... but not really. :)
I love Harry Potter & I can not wait until the movie comes out!
ReplyDeleteI love Harry Potter.. I remember reading the first book
ReplyDeleteI have all the books. It's some of the best reading ever.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how anyone can not like it.
I refused to read HP or see any of the movies. It was 6 books in and my mom's boyfriend's daughetr had all the books and I had my tonsils removed.. I started reading the books ONLY because I had nothing to do.. I finished all 6 books in 10 days.. :p after that I was an addict - but I was already 20 or something when I started reading them so.. :p
ReplyDeleteAnd I never really liked Harry :p I always loved Draco <3 lol
this is so wonderful- Harry Potter is synonymous with so much laughter for me:) totally creams twilight ahaha!
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love this post. It was 1 o' clock in the morning when I watched this trailed. I got goosebumps, I teared up, and I spent the rest of the night listening to old MuggleCast episodes in my iTunes and got no sleep at all.
ReplyDeleteoh, this post is so lovely <3 i'm actually quite sad though thinking about the fact that there wont be anymore films or books :( <3 xxx
ReplyDeleteYou are great.
ReplyDeleteBecause you like Harry Potter and you have an awesome Blog I am now going to follow.
You will be "The Girl Who Lived"...in my nick name side of my brain.