Saturday, February 27, 2010

adults are merely kids grown up, after all

I remember the days when dolls came to life, too quick for me to see their heart beat. ★


  1. i like the second sentence: just becuase they can´t speak doesn´t mean they don´t listen.

  2. this is probably my all time favorite movie, i am completely in love with it and watched it so much growing up that i wore the tape out! i seriously got all teary eyed when i saw this. i need to watch it soon!

  3. That's so true, but most really try hard to assure us that they are adults, not the kid grown up, which is indeed a very sad thing.

  4. I agree, the second part of the quote is perfect. And ah, do I remember those days! I was so certain that the minute my back was turned, all of my stuffed animals would come to life. My parents even encouraged it by sneaking into my room and moving them around sometimes, haha :)

  5. This thought terrifies me! Toys coming to life when you're asleep? Eeeeep!

  6. Great quotes... I kinda remember the Toy Story. Hahaha! xoxo

  7. lovely. i'm taking a course on childhood and just wrapped up on paper on peter pan a couple of hours ago, so this post feels particularly relevant.

    hope your workload has lightened up a bit!

  8. I LOVE this movie. I remember I blogged about it back in September. It's one of my favourite movies. This part is so sad :(

  9. i love the second sentence, deep indeed, haha:)


  10. I remember when I use to close my eyes and imagine all my toys coming to life then when I would re-open my eyes the would pop back into place (:
    you've certainly brought back much memories for moi ♥

    adore your blog!

  11. I haven't seen this movie in ages but it is such a classic! I still secretly believe toys come to life. We're trying to clear out our house now and I have the most problems getting rid of stuffed animals. haha.

  12. Such a sweet scene!

    Though horror movies about serial killer dolls has forever shattered my dreams of dolls and toys coming to life!


  13. Who wants to be an adult anyway?

  14. i'm definitely still a kid at heart... and still sort of look like it :(


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