If I would have had a boyfriend a week ago, our relationship would have ended yesterday. Why? Because my brain always seems to start working properly when I return from Tennesseee. My first relationship ended a few days after I returned from the south, and my second relationship ended not long after a trip as well. Coincidence? I think not. Here are some insights I received on my last trip.
- Life doesn't have to be so complicated.
- Sometimes in life we don't feel as close to God, but that doesn't mean we aren't still buddies. A relationship with God is also not complicated.
- Love's Enduring Promise is a wonderful movie. It's a Janette Oke sequel featuring Katherine Heigl. 10,000 B.C. was also a decent movie, but strange.
- I am moving to Tennessee in a year and a half. Most likely. My friend is looking for a roommate and, the way I see it, Nashville has plenty of PR opportunities. Hello, country music capital of the world!
- I am starting my own broadcast show via the web this summer. The title: Politically Incorrect. Starring: My cousin, uncle and fellow southerners. Inspired by The O'Reilly Factor, it will feature the host (that would be me) delivering facts on particular current events while receiving opinions and feedback from your every day American citizens (i.e., my uncle and cousin who, seriously, anyone would want to watch whether they agree or disagree with their viewpoint). I'm seriously excited.
- While my cousin's wedding was beautiful, it, again, made me realize that weddings are nerve-racking. I first realized this at another cousin's wedding. Marriage seems equally frightening. If I do ever get married, I'm sure I'll wake up wondering what the heck I was thinking. I'm hoping I'm wrong.
- I prefer cold weather over hot weather. It snowed a good five inches this weekend! I was super excited. Waking up to a wonderland of white and snow sitting softly on the trees: true beatuy. My uncle took me for a ride in the 'mule' (a mix between a 4wheeler and a golf cart). It was freeeezinggg! But another good memory to add to my Tennessee adventures.
Missing the good ol' South (*sigh*),
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